Santa Fe, NM: Consumer51, an international consumer-experience company with business operations in Pennsylvania, New Mexico and Indiana, are celebrating the continued success of a custom-built web application for FF Maverick helping Fantasy Football managers around the country improve their teams and chances for success.
Compiling player statistics and monitoring status changes gets very time consuming in a sport that is ever changing and as every fantasy football manager knows, this is critical information when it comes time for the draft. 5 years ago, Jimmie Maverick was dominating in multiple fantasy football leagues using only his proprietary ranking algorithms built from a spreadsheet. His passion and incredible analytical knowledge of the game led to a dream to share hissuccess with others across the country and FF Maverick was born.
Xynergy, a Consumer51 company, collaborated with Jimmie Maverick to create a web app to make his dream a reality, allowing subscribers to skip all the research and spreadsheets but still having all the information needed to have a really strong draft.
The "My Perfect Fantasy Draft" app at sorts through available statistical data on the players automatically and runs it through ranking funnels Jimmie carefully constructed to build an ordered list of the top players to draft depending on settings specific to your individual league. The app includes pre-defined league point schedules for the typical default setups, but you can also customize it to fit how your league is setup. You can even save multiple profiles for those that compete in multiple leagues.The app has been carefully thought through and has several features to help in research both before and during the draft. You can refine the list using over thirty different filters and remove players you don’t want to see (such as 'keepers') and have useful information on who is actually available during the draft. You can also print your list, email it or export it to a spreadsheet. If your league uses the 'snake draft', you can also take advantage of the Draft Mode that automatically groups the best picks for each round, specific to your league's size and your individual draft position.
A good draft leads to a strong finish in fantasy football, so don’t end up at the bottom this year!