Online marketing for realtors in a fiercely competitive market often boils down to the property in question. Not the one they're selling; the one they own: their website. Creating an engaging realtor website begins with identifying a target audience and a right strategy for reaching them. As part of this strategy, web design for realtors should include six essential components.



A professional realtor website (see what it takes to build a nice site) provides a good user experience with attractive user interface design. Nice large imagery of the property, clear messaging, and presentation makes it easier for users to glide through various data points without too much effort and clicks. Photos of different perspectives, interactive maps, and directions, and logically defined sections can help users browse through the property pages with ease. So when thinking of your website, focus on the presentation. Remember, you only get one chance to make a good first impression.


Before anyone decides to work with you, they need to trust you. So, how exactly do you create trust without actually meeting your potential buyers and sellers in person? Let the content of your website reflect your personality and knowledge. Display your listings with pride and add your unique personality to each listing. Also, make sure you add some proof points so the visitors to your site know that they can trust you.


Search Engine Optimization

What's the point of having a website if your target audience can't find it online? Clearly defined keywords and optimized content can help search engines crawl and index your website and present it when people search for relevant terms. Search engine optimization (SEO) strategy for a realtor website is primarily driven by geography along with other relevant keywords. And in addition to content optimization, the structure of the website (HTML) also needs to be optimized in a way that makes it easier for search bots to index relevant data. Do you have a website that you're not sure is optimized? Let's run a $200 worth analytics report for you for free so you don't have to guess.

Testimonials & Reviews

Use some social positioning strategies to gain new clients. Word of mouth is as important online as it is offline. Especially in the context of local search, testimonials and reviews can help you in a big way. Think about it: wouldn't you be more likely to work with an individual your neighbor or family members recommend? A list of happy customers can go a long way to boost confidence in the minds of first-time visitors.

Calls to Action (CTAs)

Now that you have their attention, it's time to help them get in touch. Calls to action (CTAs) buttons or forms are a simple yet effective tool to help you gather and nurture leads through a website. Without asking for too much information, the site can gather few basic points of contact for future reference and use. Do you see any CTAs on this blog? You got it. That's how we use CTAs to prompt people who can benefit from our services to contact us.

Analytics & Measurement

Finally, keep an eye on the numbers. You're in a data-driven world. Yes, emotions play a role when people are searching for that dream home and you already know all the right things to say to make that deal happen and get keys to change hands. But, in the context of a website, be sure to stay on top of who, when, what, why, and how. Visitor engagement based on time, geography, referral sources, and even their demography can help you understand what type of visitors are using the site to get information. This can help you tweak the the content and presentation of your realtor site.