Email marketing is an invaluable tool in growing customer rapport and loyalty, but most companies are using it all wrong. How can you stand out in a flooded inbox? 

With the right strategy and audience understanding you will be able to leverage your email campaigns to address your subscribers with eye-catching personalization. Let's dive into how a thoughtful email strategy can play a major role in driving engagement, fostering relationships, and ultimately boosting conversions.

Email Marketing Strategy Basics

Before we start down the path of sequencing, let's refresh the fundamentals of email marketing

How are you receiving and nurturing new additions to your list? 

Establish multiple streams for new subscribers:

FIRST: An automated intro drip campaign: This should be composed of 4-5 emails that initiate the relationship and build rapport. Throughout this campaign, establish your what, how, and most importantly, your why. You also want to use this thread to establish value in the content the new subscriber has signed up for.

THEN: An ongoing stream of thoughtful content. Once you bring new subscribers into the fold, your job is to provide value. Research shows that when your subscriber feels that your email stream is valuable it strengthens their relationship with your brand and drives higher, and more confident, conversion rates. Nurture your connection with a series of emails that interest and benefit your readers, whether it's blogs, discount codes, or any other relevant information.

The Power of Sequencing in Email Marketing

So, what exactly is sequencing, and why is it such an essential tool in elevating your email marketing? Sequencing involves crafting an email series through an "if this, then this" approach. Your emails are triggered by specific actions or behaviors, leading to more personalized communication. Sequencing tailors your emails to your customers' behaviors, putting you in the perfect spot to maximize responsiveness. Let's look at some examples below. 

  • If a subscriber hasn't opened a particular email, then send them a gentle reminder tailored to their interests and preferences.
  • If your data shows that it's a subscriber's birthday, then send a Happy Birthday message along with a special coupon code.
  • If a subscriber has abandoned their cart, then send them a reminder, or even perhaps a discount coupon that will nudge them towards completing their purchase.

Leveraging Analytics to Optimize Your Campaigns

Let's take a step back from these examples and look at the foundation of a segmentation strategy. Your email list is your treasure trove, and now we're about to access a whole new level of riches: your analytics.  By analyzing subscriber interactions, you can draw conclusions about your subscribers' preferences and behaviors, which in turn will help you segment even more effectively. 

Who is opening your emails?

Start with your strongest leads on the list: active subscribers. The people who are interacting are the ones who are providing the most value. Show your gratitude so that they feel appreciated. Identify your highly engaged subscribers and create more opportunities for them to go deeper, such as an ambassador program. 

The largest marketing budget in the world can't buy trust--word of mouth and recommendations from happy subscribers are invaluable. Even as you focus on appealing to potential customers, continue to nurture your current audience.

What engagement patterns do you see?

Is your open rate significantly higher than the click-through rate? Adjust your CTA. Is one layout of the email performing better than the other? Hone your design through A/B testing to determine what's appealing to your subscribers.

Avoiding Common Email Marketing Pitfalls

Email marketing done right can pave the way to success. Here are some common mistakes to avoid straight out of the gate: 

  • Sending too many emails: It's hard enough to stand out in a sea of junk mail as it is. We want your readers to feel confident that an email from you will provide value to their lives. Avoid bombarding subscribers - ensure you are catering to their preferences by having an easy way for them to control what they are receiving. 
  • Ignoring mobile: With the reality that many people check their email on the go, neglecting to optimize emails for mobile devices can cut you off at the knees. Take the extra time to tweak AND test formatting so that you don't lose your customers' interest or patience.
  • Neglecting to personalize: Customers are already swamped with vague and unhelpful content, which means personalized experiences will stand out all the more. This goes far beyond adding their name to the message. Segmenting your audience and tailoring messages that appeal to their demographic and interests can significantly impact open rates, click-through rates, and overall campaign success.

Keeping the Balance: Nurturing Your Audience

Segmentation strategies can accelerate growth, but it's important not to neglect the customer base you already have.

The audience that we’re engaging with is the most valuable guiding light. Don’t ignore the audience you’ve already reached to start seeking another one. 

The most valuable and promising prospect is the customer you already have.

It’s more expensive to get a new audience member than it is to nurture the one you already have. 

In the pursuit of growth, do not forego nurturing your existing audience.

Forge Meaningful Connections with Email Marketing 

Never underestimate the power of personalization! Crafting effective email campaigns requires meticulous attention to detail, but this is one digital marketing solution that pays dividends when done right. 

By leveraging data, you can make sure your subscribers receive the most relevant and helpful content - something they look forward to opening when they see you in their inbox. With the right email communication strategy, you can grow meaningful connections with your audience and keep turning your subscribers into customers.